Saturday, December 6, 2008
So many people are struggling financially and just recently two families we know have lost little ones. Hard times, whether they are yours or someone else's, always seem to make you stop and count your blessings.
1. I am so blessed to have a job that helps support my family, and the fact that I truly enjoy what I do is a huge bonus.
2. We have a warm house.
3. We have a fridge and freezer with food in it.
4. We have vehicles that run great.
5. I have a husband who loves me.
6. I have two very smart, funny, full of mischief little boys.
7. And another one on the way.
8. I have the gospel , which right now is the biggest blessing, because it the thing that helps me realize that no matter how hard it seems, I know there is someone who is always watching out for me and my family and rooting for us. Someone who wants the very best for my family. Unfortunately that doesn't mean that everything always work out the easiest way, but it does work out (eventually, and maybe not the way we would like).
I could go on and on, but these are the main things.
Sorry I am so, whatever I am. Maybe it is the extra emotions from being pregnant, but whatever IT is, I am grateful for it. I really think that for me and my family this time is a blessing. I am not saying that that it is easy, I am just saying that I have A LOT to be grateful for.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I have a computer again!!!
In the last 5 weeks have been crazy busy and I think I keep forgeting that I am as far along as I am, until I try squatting over to scrub something or caulk something. I really want to get my tree out and decorate it, but unfortunetly, ths year I can not do it all by myself. I am so excited to be this close to the end, but it sure is making it difficult to get things done. But for those of you who know me, you know that I am doing my darndest to do as much as possible. I will try and upload a few pictures to show you that a big and awkward pregnant woman may be forced to slow down, but if there is a will there is a way, and I will find it.
My oldest loves cowboys and he is going to freak out over this quilt. You can't tell in this picture, but one of the prints is all guns. His favorite thing ever.
I painted my entry way, because it was a deep red and it did't look so great opening up in to my turquoise kitchen. Although I was quite irritated, because as the paint was drying I realized the ding a ling who mixed it for me, mixed flat paint which I hate (and I had purchased the paint 2 or 3 months ago). So I guess someday soon I will have to do one more coat.
I have a few other things I would love to post pictures of, but they will have to wait, because right now I have to get started on singlr handedly peeling 20 pounds of potatoes.
By the way
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Quilts, quilts and more quilts!
And then finished this,
I finished anther quilt top that is at this moment at the quilt shop being machine quilted, and I will hopefully have it back son so that I can get the binding done, and have my first project completed for our attempt at a homemade Christmas ( I'll explain later).
I then started a class at the quilt shop and actually learned how to piece something more than squares,
I was telling Mike about my class later that night, and I got kind of emotional telling him about my class. It was 2 hours of of pure enjoyment. I can't remember the last time I left my house just to do something for me and only me. I wasn't in charge of anything, or anyone. I didn't have to hurry home or worry about anybody but myself. I loved every minute of it. Who knew a class could be so much fun.
O.K. about the homemade Christmas. I don't know where I get these crazy ideas, but I thought it would be fun to have a totally homemade Christmas. I talked to Mike and we both thought this sounded like a fun idea. Although when I really started to think about it and try and plan a few things out, I realized I am crazy. But I made a decision and I am going to stick by it. I love to create and make things, so this will give me a good excuse to go crazy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My niece Tami is hanging in there (somewhere). They are still keeping her so medicated that she is not aware, but hopefully that is helping heal her. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and words, and especially for your prayers.
P.S. I am binding the baby quilt from the earlier blog and I will have pictures very soon.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My new obsession!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Isn't their little family so beautiful? They deserve a happy ending., and they damn well better get one.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Last night Mike called me while I was at the grocery store and said that our patio table and umbrella had flown over and shattered all over lawn. I was sick to my stomach. I loved that table. I loved eating dinner with my family on that table. I loved sitting at the table with friends enjoying a nice evening in the backyard.
Makes me feel kind of dumb now. I just got a call from my mom and my sweet 25 year old niece had a stroke today, and is in the ICU in St. George. She is an amazing mother of two beautiful little girls and an amazing massage therapist, who loves her job. And now she is in the hospital and is paralyzed (for right now) on one side. They got her to the hospital quickly and they were able to treat her and we are praying with all of our hearts that she will recover completely.
Now back to me. Seriously a TABLE. I can eat dinner anywhere. I am so grateful for so many things. I don't want to waste time being sad or upset about stupid things. What a waste.
Here's to being grateful for every beautiful simple thing, like the memories that took place around that table. But it was just a table.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Mission Accomplished! (well almost)
And then for some reason I was feeling really ambitious and two trips later and more hours than I thought I had in one day with two busy boys and I have a pretty damn cute quilt top. Who knew I could figure it out. I don't think I have ever unpicked so much in my life. I have decided if I attempt another one I am going to ask a few more questions before I start.
You've gotta be kiddin' me!
Anyway this morning I turned the tv on while I was making beds, and Nigella was making these fabulous looking pancake things that she said were like a breakfast cheese cake. I hurried downstairs to quickly put the recipe together before I forgot it. I thought I might be able to pull one over on my youngest and he would just think they were pancakes, but I knew my 5 year old would take one bite and he would say, "DISGUSTING"!
Hallelujah, I was wrong they both snarfed them down, my oldest was even ok with seconds.They are super easy to make and they are especially delicious with just syrup. ( I didn't go to the trouble with the strawberries.)
Recipe courtesy Nigella Lawson
Nigella Feasts
Breakfast All Hours
Serving suggestion: 2 cups strawberries, chopped into quarters 1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 1/2 to 1 teaspoon sugar
3 eggs, yolks and whites separated 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon best-quality vanilla extract 1 cup cottage cheese 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
Put the strawberries into a bowl and sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and sugar. Stir before covering with plastic wrap and leaving to steep while you make the cheesecakelets. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar, beating well. Add the vanilla, cottage cheese, and flour. Then, in another bowl, whisk the whites until frothy with a hand whisk and fold into the cottage cheese mixture.
Heat a smooth griddle or nonstick skillet and dollop the batter onto it make cakelets of about 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Each cheesecakelet will take a minute or so to firm up underneath, then you should flip it and cook the other side, and remove to a warmed plate when ready.
Turn the strawberries in the ruby syrup they've made and squish some pieces with a fork at the same time. Serve with the hot cheesecakelets.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Nine years down! Forever to go!!!

It has been a crazy nine years, but I wouldn't trade it.
I have a husband who loves me and the extra pounds I have acumulated over the last nine years, I have a beautiful eternal family, and we have a gazillion great memories.
Here's to a gazillion more.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Speaks for itself!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Project Complete!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
How Adorable!!!

My mom's furniture is turning out awesome. I can't wait to post the finished product.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Party at my Mamma's House!
A few weeks ago my mom had a major plumbing flood in her house and I live just far enough away, and have two crazy busy boys, that it makes it hard to jump in the car and run down here to help her. So this weekend I got to come down and even though she already had her house all put together, she decided she wanted to paint her table and chairs, and you all know I love a can of spray paint. Anyway I'll let you know how it all turns out, but for right now we are having a good time just chillin' and projectin' at Grandma's.
Friday, July 18, 2008
best DANG cards ever
Footloose!... and maybe some other stuff.

Last night my friend Natasha invited me out on her girls night out, and we went to see the play Footloose at the Scera Shell. Oh, it was so painful. It was totally ruining the movie for those of us that I have seen it a thousand times and knew every word and every song. Needless to say, we gathered up our blanket at intermission and headed off to Blockbuster for the real thing. There is just nothing like the real thing. It was funny to watch this movie with a bunch of grown women. We laughed and reminisced. There was a good time had by all. Thanks girls for resurrecting what could have been an other wise wasted night off.

Thanking you listening to my banter, and I am going to try to get on the computer more often.
P.S. For those of you who are so sweet to check my blog, I am sure you will be relieved to HEAR I have changed the first song. I am sorry it took me so long. Hopefully you are not as sick of it as I am.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Linguini with Cream Cheese
I promise this will be a new summer favorite.
Linguine and Cream Cheese
3 cups tomatoes, chopped
1 pkg. cream cheese, cubed
3/4 cup olive oil
1/3 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. each salt and pepper
2 pkg. linguine (9oz.each)
1/2 cup pine nuts, roasted
MIX tomatoes, cream cheese, oil,basil,
vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper in large
bowl; cover. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.
COOK pasta as directed.Place in large bowl.
ADD tomato mixture and pine nuts to hot pasta;
toss lightly. Serves 6-8
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I don't mean to go on and on, but that has been my week. I swear I never thought it would end. Today is the start of a better week. I can just feel it.
Here is one more little story.
When my oldest was about one , he was obsessed with Elmo. I found this awesome Sesame Street video that had Elmo and Stomp. If you don't know what Stomp is, it is this amazing Broadway like show with all of this amazingly talented people that make awesome music with everything from brooms to garbage cans to basketballs. You name it they make music out of it.
Well, I always swore that if the came anywhere near us that I would take my boy. So, today is the big day. I know it is Sunday and all, but this was the only time that worked out. And I am not missing the opportunity. My boys are so good to sit and be entertained, let's hope that they are perfect angels this afternoon. I let you all know how it goes.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
50 percent chance of a girl
I know the little widget (no, that is not what we are calling the baby) I added is kind of freaky looking right now, but as the baby gets bigger, it is really cool to see just where we are at.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Holly Homemaker
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Flowers, flowers, and more flowers!

I actually had such a great day. I think I suffer from seasonal depression, and when I can get my hand in the dirt and plant flowers, it is the best anti-depressant around. For me atleast. I got a truck load of gorgeous dirt today, yes, I said gorgeous dirt. I fixed up all my flower beds, and planted a bunch of flowers, and now all I want to do is sit outside and enjoy my awesome yard.
Mike and I found a patio set at k-mart last October on clearance, and it has been sitting on our patio in a box since then. So Monday I decided to put it together. Seriously, I just want to be outside.
I guess I better get to bed, because of all things I have to speak in church in the morning. That's right! Mother's Day! Either I have really pulled the wool over my Bishop's eyes, or he is hoping this will set me straight.Wish me luck. Oh, and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
My Adorable and Amazing Husband!!!

I- INCREDIBLY INDEPENDENT- Some times this makes me a little crazy, because I think things could be a little easier if Mike would ask for help. But this is a survival technique that Mike has developed over his lifetime, and because of it he has been able to achieve so much more than is imaginable. He has such drive and no matter what, Michael will accomplish!
C- CAUTIOUS- Which he needs to be married to me. I fly with the wind, and Mike always thinks through ALL the steps. It is good thing I have him.
H- HONEST- I have never questioned Mike's integrity. I know that he is always honest with me and with his job, but most importantly himself.
A- ALWAYS DRIVEN- I don't know anyone who works harder than Mike. He has worked so hard to create a business that not only is he proud of and loves, but one that people and clients can respect and appreciate. He is so very talented, and unfortunately that is not all it takes. Mike takes his responsibility to provide for our family very seriously, and he is doing everything he can to create a successful business that will take care of our family.
E- EXTEMELY TALENTED- If you haven't seen his work, you are missing out. He is an incredible photographer, and he just keeps driving himself to learn more and be more creative. He knocks my socks off. Too bad he can' take OUR family pictures
L- LOVING- This one chokes me up. MIKE LOVES ME! No matter what is going on or what I look like or what I am acting like or what we are going through, I feel his love for me. He thinks I am beautiful, and amazing and I love knowing that. And I love him right back.
We have talked about this quite a bit lately, and we both feel so lucky. In a world where everything seems so disposable, it is an amazing feeling feeling to know you are both 100% dedicated to the end.
I love you Michael and I am so happy you are mine.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Six Strange Habits
1. I am a freak about the way my towels are folded. I am a little anal about all folding of clothes. But the towels, everyone in my family knows I got issues with towels. If someone helps me fold towels, I almost always wait 'til they leave and then refold. (I have tons of towels to fold all the time, because I have a salon in my house. I go through about 40 towels a week, and that's just in the salon.)
2. I don't care if it looks like a bomb went off in my house, the beds have to be made everyday. If they are not made at the beginning of my day, it throws everything off. Why can't I be that way about everything in my house.
3. Just like Jen, I hate doing my hair. Strange I know. Maybe it is because of all the hours I have spent with a blowdryer in my hands. That is the most dreaded time of the day. I guess that is why I only do my hair every three or four days. Don't gross out. My hair is very dry and can't take much more than that anyway.
4. I am pine-sol obssessed. They used to sell it in a spray bottle like windex. But I can't find it anymore, so I mix my own and I clean every surface that I can in my house with it. There is nothing that makes you think your house is clean, like the scent of pine-sol.
5. I spray paint everything. My sister-in-law makes fun of me, because "just paint it", is my answer to everything. Almost every piece of wood furniture in my house has been painted atleast once, if not twice or three times. Right now I am in the process of repainting my kitchen table and chairs, with white spray paint. For those of you who don't know, this is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to paint something. You get better coverage and it is a fast and beautiful way to makeover something into something better.
6. I am a milk snob. I have to have good milk. It absolutely cannot come from a gas station, and some brands are just not good enough. For example, just the morning I pulled out the 1/2 gallon my husband so sweetly picked up in the middle of the night so we wouldn't be out of milk in the morning, took one swig and new he got it from the gas station. I know, silly. But it is just one of my things.
I tag Jaimi, Lori, Tinaya, and Sara B.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Refridgerator scrounging!
Friday, April 11, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008
I am insane!
Oh ya , I also bought paint and fabric to redo Mike's office. I truly am insane.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I've been tagged!
I wish it were one thing. I am one of those people who's thing changes weekly or monthly. I guess it could all fall under the crafty heading. At times it has been salvaging a piece of furniture and painting it and distressing it. I have painted almost every piece of wood furniture in my house and salon. Last year for about three months I was obsessed with making magnet boards. I was always on the search for coordinating scrapbook paper and matching ribbon. I probably made over 50 of them. People who knew me or came into the salon were placing custom orders. I have also been completely obsessed with online scrapbooking. I have logged plenty of hours on The past couple of weeks it has been making nursing cover-ups (hooter hiders). And of course my newest time consumption activity is blogging. I just wish I could get obsessed about the gym. If I could put all the energy that I put into creating, into a workout, I would be one hot mama.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ta Da
Newly converted blogger!!!
I am new at this whole blogging thing. I truly am going to try to be better. We have a bunch of adorable pictures from our trip to St. George, but I have anxiety just thinking about trying to get the pictures on here. I need to practice so that I don't need medication to update my blog.
For those of you who don't know, I am very new at the computer thing. Yes, I know I am a little behind the times , but I am trying to catch up. Atleast I now know how to e-mail.
Proud computer moment !
I wanted to change the template on my blog and my friend Jen sent me a link so I could find new templates. I got a little nervous so I asked my husband to help me, because I didn't want to screw up our blog. Well he wasn't feeling to confidant about the whole thing, so I just decided to do it myself and I DID IT! Amazing what you can do if you just try.
I am in love!
Isn't she lovely!
My beautiful new well deserved sewing machine!
I can't wait to put a few miles on this thing.
I have been feeling kind of bad because I haven't been putting pictures and such of my kids on here. But my amazing photographer needs to convert the pictures from raw files before I can do anything with them. I have some great pictures and great memories to share. Hopefully this weekend.
Another Proud Moment!!!
This has been a tough month for things going south in our house. At the beginning of the month we had our fireplace fixed ($115), and I am not kidding you, 2 days later our furnace went out($400). Or fridge has been on the fritz for months, and then this past week our dishwasher broke. Seriously? Well, I got up this morning with a purpose, fix it, or buy a dishwasher with the money I have diligently been saving for a sewing machine. After having a dishwasher it is hard to live without one. So I figured the sewing machine could wait. I went by the place we go for repairs and the guy wasn't in. So I went to RC Willeys, and found a dishwasher ($398) and fridge ($1069), and I just thought I would figure it out (financially). Well, I tried the fix it guy one more time and he explained in great detail what I need to do. So I purchased the parts ($9) I needed, which included a new power cord (he threw that in for free).
You will never believe this, but after a few hours, a couple of blood blisters and maybe a little cursing, my dishwasher is fixed. It has a new water line, new power cord and the drain pipe is unclogged. I 'll let you know how the fridge goes. I am getting the part ($39) on Wednesday.
I am woMAN, hear me roar!
p.s. I am going to pick up my sewing machine on Wednesday.
The reason for the name of my blog is that my husband is always saying that I live in the land of sunshine and lollipops. Well that name was already taken so I decided to just flip it.
I welcome anyone who would like to join me there. It is a great place to hang out in this amazingly crazy world.
I am going to try and copy and paste some stuff from my other blog. wish me luck.