Sunday, April 20, 2008

Six Strange Habits

I have been tagged by jen v...
1. I am a freak about the way my towels are folded. I am a little anal about all folding of clothes. But the towels, everyone in my family knows I got issues with towels. If someone helps me fold towels, I almost always wait 'til they leave and then refold. (I have tons of towels to fold all the time, because I have a salon in my house. I go through about 40 towels a week, and that's just in the salon.)
2. I don't care if it looks like a bomb went off in my house, the beds have to be made everyday. If they are not made at the beginning of my day, it throws everything off. Why can't I be that way about everything in my house.
3. Just like Jen, I hate doing my hair. Strange I know. Maybe it is because of all the hours I have spent with a blowdryer in my hands. That is the most dreaded time of the day. I guess that is why I only do my hair every three or four days. Don't gross out. My hair is very dry and can't take much more than that anyway.
4. I am pine-sol obssessed. They used to sell it in a spray bottle like windex. But I can't find it anymore, so I mix my own and I clean every surface that I can in my house with it. There is nothing that makes you think your house is clean, like the scent of pine-sol.
5. I spray paint everything. My sister-in-law makes fun of me, because "just paint it", is my answer to everything. Almost every piece of wood furniture in my house has been painted atleast once, if not twice or three times. Right now I am in the process of repainting my kitchen table and chairs, with white spray paint. For those of you who don't know, this is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to paint something. You get better coverage and it is a fast and beautiful way to makeover something into something better.
6. I am a milk snob. I have to have good milk. It absolutely cannot come from a gas station, and some brands are just not good enough. For example, just the morning I pulled out the 1/2 gallon my husband so sweetly picked up in the middle of the night so we wouldn't be out of milk in the morning, took one swig and new he got it from the gas station. I know, silly. But it is just one of my things.
I tag Jaimi, Lori, Tinaya, and Sara B.


Lori said...

so does that mean that when i folded your clothes that one day, you undid the towels and did them again? just wondering, and you know that i'm kinda the same way about my towels anyway.

Jen V said...

Funny! And I would NEVER guess that about your hair - in fact, when I met you that is the thing I noticed first - what amazing beautiful hair you have. Well, maybe because it's so amazing and beautiful you don't have to do it... hmmmm - I think we might have to be enemies now.

Okay - so I know you are a big Jane Austen fan like I am - but have you taken the "which character are you" quiz?? You have to tell me who you are - I am so curious. (Just click the link on my blog)

Jen V said...

My sister was also EMMA! I knew we were kindred spirits! So, as an avid reader of my blog, I know you've seen numerous posts about Pride &Prejudice the A&E version - right - that movie is my ALL TIME FAV MOVIE EVER! If you haven't seen it, when I move up to SLC we'll do lunch and I'll let you borrow it!

Jen V said...

okay so I've decided. We are going to have lunch at Chili's in Orem (they do have a Chili's right?) as soon as I get settled and get a babysitter - right? RIGHT! Plan on it mid May - sa va?

Danielle Richardson said...

I dont do my hair every day either! yay!!

Kamille said...

I didn't know you had so many ticks. All this time I thought I was safe around you. But now.... Seriously though you should try the Winder Dairy milk. They sell it at Harmons. But beware, you will never go back.

Ash and Lace said...

I love your blog! I would love the site to where you got your template background. Don't you have a family private blog also? I would love to check that one out too! Love you guys!