I- INCREDIBLY INDEPENDENT- Some times this makes me a little crazy, because I think things could be a little easier if Mike would ask for help. But this is a survival technique that Mike has developed over his lifetime, and because of it he has been able to achieve so much more than is imaginable. He has such drive and no matter what, Michael will accomplish!
C- CAUTIOUS- Which he needs to be married to me. I fly with the wind, and Mike always thinks through ALL the steps. It is good thing I have him.
H- HONEST- I have never questioned Mike's integrity. I know that he is always honest with me and with his job, but most importantly himself.
A- ALWAYS DRIVEN- I don't know anyone who works harder than Mike. He has worked so hard to create a business that not only is he proud of and loves, but one that people and clients can respect and appreciate. He is so very talented, and unfortunately that is not all it takes. Mike takes his responsibility to provide for our family very seriously, and he is doing everything he can to create a successful business that will take care of our family.
E- EXTEMELY TALENTED- If you haven't seen his work, you are missing out. He is an incredible photographer, and he just keeps driving himself to learn more and be more creative. He knocks my socks off. Too bad he can' take OUR family pictures
L- LOVING- This one chokes me up. MIKE LOVES ME! No matter what is going on or what I look like or what I am acting like or what we are going through, I feel his love for me. He thinks I am beautiful, and amazing and I love knowing that. And I love him right back.
We have talked about this quite a bit lately, and we both feel so lucky. In a world where everything seems so disposable, it is an amazing feeling feeling to know you are both 100% dedicated to the end.
I love you Michael and I am so happy you are mine.