Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A few of you in the comments have said, "How do you find time?" Well if you saw my house and knew how much T.V. my kids have watched in the last week, you would know. Oh well, at least I am staying some what sane. Although if you asked my husband he might beg to differ.
My niece Tami is hanging in there (somewhere). They are still keeping her so medicated that she is not aware, but hopefully that is helping heal her. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and words, and especially for your prayers.
P.S. I am binding the baby quilt from the earlier blog and I will have pictures very soon.


-Special Mothertivity- said...

Its cause you make time... Do you have the recipe for time? Oh yeah the tv and house comment. Well, I must not be doing my recipe right, cause I'm right there will you and still don't find much time for the blogs... Way to keep up on the posts!

Kamille said...

I blogged just for you to day. Love ya and I'm thinking of you and yours lots.