Tuesday, May 20, 2008

50 percent chance of a girl

Well, I guess it is about time we added to our family. Our baby did just turn 4. We are very excited about this new little project we are taking on. I am not due until January which kind of makes me feel like the poor elephant who carries her baby for 2 years, which at this point January feels like 2 years away. I guess that will give me time to mentally prepare myself for three. THREE!!! All the boys are hoping it is a baby sister, especially Mike. He has wanted a little girl for so long, but I know we will all be happy as long as it is healthy. I don't know that I really believe it, except the heartburn that started last week is not letting me forget. So if any of you have a special little secret about that, I would love you to share it with me.
I know the little widget (no, that is not what we are calling the baby) I added is kind of freaky looking right now, but as the baby gets bigger, it is really cool to see just where we are at.


Brandee Lloyd said...

The two things that help me are tums and milk. I know milk may sound weird and I hate milk myself but when get it down a glass of milk and it will be gone!!! Hope this helps. Don't do both only do one or the other.

Tinaya said...

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinager each morning works like a charm. you can mix it in juice if you want to as well. it really works, it is worth a try at least.

Gibbs Family said...

Congrats Dev!! I'm so excited for you guys! Three isn't that much different than two... who am I kidding. Once you are out numbered, it's all over. Really, three is fun - lots of action! We'll keep all our fingers and toes crossed for a girl!! Love you

Bethany said...

Devron Lloyd.

Your husband found me on facebook! Yay for reconnecting, and yay for number 3 babies! I'm pregnant with our third, too.

Come visit us on our blog! Great to see you!


Jen V said...

Congrats! 3 is easy. Seriously. My baby (#3) is the best baby I've had and it is because she is third - I'm convinced. I am a 3rd child and so is my husband - proof that 3rd is the BEST!! haha

Meesa said...

Congratulations Devron!!! We are so excited for you and your family. I hope you figure out a cure for the heartburn. I just carried pckgs of Rolaids and Tums wherever I went. We were scared of a girl, but we love the one we've got and are having tons of fun. We hope you get one too! Make sure you save twice as much as you think you might need. It is hard to stop at the outfit. You have to add the socks, hats, shoes, jewlery, hairbows, etc. to match! We love you and your family!. Chris & Meesa