Thursday, November 27, 2008

I have a computer again!!!

I finally have my computer back. I didn't think it would be so hard to be without a computer. I still have a lot of kinks to work ouy and one folder with all of my files in it to sort out, and I am using someone's unsecured internet to do this entry, but sooner or later I will get it all worked out.
In the last 5 weeks have been crazy busy and I think I keep forgeting that I am as far along as I am, until I try squatting over to scrub something or caulk something. I really want to get my tree out and decorate it, but unfortunetly, ths year I can not do it all by myself. I am so excited to be this close to the end, but it sure is making it difficult to get things done. But for those of you who know me, you know that I am doing my darndest to do as much as possible. I will try and upload a few pictures to show you that a big and awkward pregnant woman may be forced to slow down, but if there is a will there is a way, and I will find it.

This is the sampler that I made in my quilting class. That was seriously the most enjoyable thing I have done in a vey long time. I was able to leave my house and go to something without having to be in charge of anything and I just got to learn and create and only worry about myself for two whole hours, once a week for three weeks.

My youngest's christmas quilt. He helped me pick out the fabric, unbeknownst to him that it was for his christmas present. He thought it was fabric for the baby.

My oldest loves cowboys and he is going to freak out over this quilt. You can't tell in this picture, but one of the prints is all guns. His favorite thing ever.

I painted my entry way, because it was a deep red and it did't look so great opening up in to my turquoise kitchen. Although I was quite irritated, because as the paint was drying I realized the ding a ling who mixed it for me, mixed flat paint which I hate (and I had purchased the paint 2 or 3 months ago). So I guess someday soon I will have to do one more coat.

I have a few other things I would love to post pictures of, but they will have to wait, because right now I have to get started on singlr handedly peeling 20 pounds of potatoes.

By the way



Gibbs Family said...

Dev - it's good to see you on your blog again!! That baby is coming soon and I'm so excited for you! We really need to get together sometime soon... let's figure something out! Love you!

Leigh said...

Hi Devron,

I found your blog through Lacey's. You've been BUSY! Your family is beautiful. So nice to find you.

Moira said...

Yay...Devron's back. You are amazing with quilting my friend. My goodness. They are so beautiful.