Sunday, June 8, 2008


It has been a while since I checked in. First of all my life is just plain crazy busy. But, I have also been very lucky to not only have, not just morning sickness, but around the clock sickness. I guess I should feel lucky that this is the first time, considering this is the third go around. I also broke out in shingles a week ago. SERIOUSLY!!! This is like the worst thing ever. I have hardly left my house this week and I have let everything go, you should see my house. One day I just laid in bed reading all day long. Just trying to get out of my head and the horrible pain on the back of my thigh. By the end of the day I had read 550 pages and my house had become the city dump. How is that possible in 10 short little hours? My boys had dumped an entire container of Parmesan cheese all over the couch and carpet downstairs with complimentary chocolate milk stains on my recently cleaned carpets. I was so upset. Not only is the carpet truly stained, the family room still stinks so bad from the cheese (vomit) that I haven't been able to go down there. I hope my energy level is back a little by tomorrow, I have got to clean the carpets.
I don't mean to go on and on, but that has been my week. I swear I never thought it would end. Today is the start of a better week. I can just feel it.
Here is one more little story.
When my oldest was about one , he was obsessed with Elmo. I found this awesome Sesame Street video that had Elmo and Stomp. If you don't know what Stomp is, it is this amazing Broadway like show with all of this amazingly talented people that make awesome music with everything from brooms to garbage cans to basketballs. You name it they make music out of it.
Well, I always swore that if the came anywhere near us that I would take my boy. So, today is the big day. I know it is Sunday and all, but this was the only time that worked out. And I am not missing the opportunity. My boys are so good to sit and be entertained, let's hope that they are perfect angels this afternoon. I let you all know how it goes.


Meesa said...

I am sorry you are so sick. I hope it passes soon. Send Mike to Babies R Us to get some preggie pops. Some swear by them. I never tried them though, also try sucking on peppermints. Peppermint oil is supposed to help with nausea.

Gibbs Family said...

Oh, the "all day" sickness... I know it well. I'm so sorry!! I used to suck on Sweet Tarts all day... the sour kind. I guess citric acid is supposed to help. (It did make me feel better...sours patch kids work too.) And I'm sorry about couch and the carpet. I am always amazed at the destruction possible in such a short time frame by my own kids - and why is it always food?? I hope you get feeling better!!! Love you!

Brandee Lloyd said...

Oh no those boys are so naughty!!!I have a couple myself. Kind of makes a little nervous about Wed. just kidding see you soon!